Friday, September 4, 2009

CCD, Coloney collapse disorder

In 2007 honey bees suffered from the worst fatality rate ever known. In many case over 50% of the bees died whereas 20 years ago less than 10% was normal. In the last two years the reasons for CCD have become better known and it turns out that there are a number of causes. Mites are a bigger problem. The bees are more stressed due to their higher workload and this makes them more vulnerable to viruses. Some colonies have three viruses and this makes the stressed bees less likely to survive. The bees nutritional health has deteriorated and this means that the bees are less able to fight the problems that may come their way.
As a result of CCD beekeepers are now taking better care of their bees and their health is improving. In the last two years the winter loss rate has been about 35 and 30 percent. Not good but getting better. Pesticides are also a factor and obviously this is something bees did not have to deal with before the introduction of pesticides. Another factor that was covered in a recent post is the vast part of North America that is now paved or built on. Obviously bees cannot survive in a concrete jungle.
There are two things that many people can do to help the bees. Plant lots of flowers and stop using pesticides. The research is incomplete but the wild bees have also been seriously affected by the deteriorating environment that we hmans have caused.

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